Thursday 15 January 2009


I stumbled upon this one accidently, after leaving my Angels on Bare Skin behind at a friend's house. Not being able to live without my miracle facewash I had to buy some more. However when I was inside Lush, like any other time I'm in there I can't help but look at every other item the shop has to offer. I always find the displays enticing, especially when you get to see the items full size before they've been measured and cut down.
This facial cleanser is aimed at oilier and problem skin, moreso than Angels I think. The label states: "Join the cult and achieve beautiful skin. Clean, Control excess oil, prevent breakouts."
Herbalism is quite similar to Angels in the way it appears and the way you use it. Although it's a vibrant green colour, the consistency is much like Angels although not at as sludgy, and more crumbly. Again you just need to take a pea-sized amount, mix it with a drop of water and rub together to form a paste like substance. Herbalism does however have a few obvious differences to Angels. Namely the smell of the products are VERY different. I've noticed some people comment on the smell of Angels not being very pleasant. All I can say is if you don't like it, then you should probably give this a miss because the smell of Herbalism was almost enough to put me off buying the product. I do believe though, that the ingredients that go into Lush products are picked for their individual properties and it's what make them works so well, so I accept that sometimes, they aren't going to smell too pretty.
If you can get past the smell, this is another very effective face wash. It contains Nettle, Rosemary, Rice Vinegar Extract (this is what makes you shudder when you smell it), Rose, Chamomile oil and Sage oil, which work together to absorb excess oil on your face as well as having antiseptic and soothing properties. Weirdly, because I haven't seen this anywhere else, it contains Chlorophyll to "balance and protect the skin".
I don't know if Herbalism will replace Angels for me, but after using it for over a week now I am very happy with the result I get with it. I do have an oily t-zone, especially around the nose area and this is particularly good in helping to clear that. I'm finally growing out of teenage skin though and Angels is a milder way to control any excess oil I do get. After finishing this I will probably go back to Angels and then use Herbalism during the summer months when my skin often plays up a little more than usual. Both products are priced the same so if you've used Angels before but found it's not helped your problem skin, then this is worth giving a try.

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