As of a few weeks ago I ended my five year relationship. This was not a very easy decision to make, nor was it one I did hastily. Things were not right for a while and it became a case of breezing on, pretending everything was OK. We had tried long distance, it never worked, we tried living together and it seems that didn't work either. As hard as I tried, it just seems the relationship has had its day. Whoever ends it, it's always a difficult thing to go through, but I am coming round to it now, and being more optimistic about the future. I am about to go through a lot of changes, starting a new job, moving into a house share and facing city life as a singleton. It's daunting but it feels right at the same time. Currently I'm spending a lot of time looking for a house to move in to, I'm not sure exactly where, but definitely closer to the centre, as close as my budget will get me!
ahh, i've got the exact same plaque in my room that a friend brought me... i love it!!
Just wanted to say that I hope you are feeling ok about it all and that you have definitely done the right thing if it hasn't felt right for a while. Things have a funny way of working themselves out and I'm sure things will sort themselves out soon :-) xxx
@Lydia, thankyou so much for your lovely words. I'm a firm believer in things working out for the best, given time I know everything will pan out as it should. :) xXx
You will be fine, I believe in you. I am currently in a 5 year relationship, hit the spot at the 12th of sept. As you said - time will fix everything. :) Cheers!
call New Zealand
good luck with the moving on part\m/
Keep your head up!I see your dealing well with it your words. Your not in denial which is good...I've been there before, and now things are so different! My life changed around. Good luck!
Hugs! *
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Awwww i hope all goes wel for u in the future xxx
I am in the same situation. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 6 years and I feel like we out grew each other even though we live together. He just gets on my nerves but I am kinda stuck with him because he does not want me to get a job so I have no money coming in and have no car!!! what advice would you give to me??
I hope life has been treating you well since you posted this :D
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